VenezuelanFlag (click on image to enlarge)


Venezuela has very diverse geography. They have mountains, valleys, deserts, rain forrest and beaches. Its four most famous topographical locations are Maracaibo lowlands, the northern mountains extending from the Colombian border along the northern Caribbean coast, the wide plains in central Venezuela and the Guiana Highlands.

To find out more click on the picture below or Geography at the top of the page. geography


Venezuelas economy is primarely dominated by the petroleum sector. Venezuela has the largest oil reserves, and eighth largest natural gas reserves in the world. However, shortages in basic goods have been prevalent following the enactment of price controls and other policies during the economic policy of Hugo Chavez governemt and have gotten worse under the policies of Nicolas Maduros governemnt

To find out more click on the picture below or Economy at the top of the page. economy photo


Venezulan is a melting pot predominantly made up of three main groups, the indigenous Venezuelans, the Africans, and the Spanish. The mixture of culture can be seen in Venezuelan architecture, food, art and music.

To find out more click on the picture below or Culture at the top of the page. culture photo

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To help Venezuelan imigrants in Colombia and the most needed inside the country Donate Here

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